

< p yl =" - i 7p ;">近期,网络红人蛋糕店“鲍师傅”又出大事了,武汉媒体调研发觉,有一家挂着“鲍师傅”广告牌的蛋糕店请人排长队,生产制造买卖很火热的错觉,欺诈别的顾客选购。In recent years, social media has played a significant role in popularizing various trends and viral sensations. From dance challenges to food crazes, it seems that anything can become an online sensation in a matter of seconds. One such phenomenon that has gained widespread attention is the rise of internet-famous cake shops, with "Bao Shifu" being one of the most notable names in this era of food influencers. However, recent events have caused a stir in the Bao Shifu cake shop empire. Media outlets in Wuhan, China, have conducted investigations and made a startling discovery. It appears that there is a cake shop in town that has shamelessly capitalized on the Bao Shifu name. By putting up large advertising billboards displaying the name, the shop tricks unsuspecting customers into queuing up, giving the false impression of immense popularity and high demand. This deceitful marketing tactic has resulted in countless customers being cheated and deceived. Bao Shifu, or "Master Bao," became an overnight sensation due to its visually stunning and delectable array of cakes. Its rise to fame was fueled by the power of social media, as influencers and ordinary users flooded platforms like Instagram with mesmerizing pictures and videos of the heavenly confections. As a result, people from all corners of the globe flocked to Bao Shifu outlets, eagerly waiting in lengthy queues just to get their taste buds tingling. It is no surprise that such popularity would attract imitators seeking to capitalize on the brand's success. However, deceiving customers by leveraging the brand name is not only unethical but also illegal. The repercussions of this unethical behavior can be devastating for both the customers who fall victim to these dishonest practices and the reputation of the original Bao Shifu brand. Customers who are lured into the impostor cake shop are subjected to subpar products and unscrupulous practices. They may end up purchasing lower quality cakes at inflated prices, completely unaware that they are being cheated. This not only affects their experience but also undermines the trust they had in the Bao Shifu brand. Moreover, the original Bao Shifu cake shops may face consequences such as a decline in customer trust and a tarnished reputation due to the association with these fraudulent practices. To protect consumers and uphold the integrity of the Bao Shifu brand, it is vital for the company to take immediate action against this copycat cake shop. Legal measures need to be pursued to ensure that those responsible for the deceptive advertising are held accountable for their actions. Additionally, Bao Shifu should communicate proactively with its customers, making them aware of this imposter and advising them on how to distinguish genuine Bao Shifu outlets from fraudulent ones. Furthermore, it is essential for consumers to be cautious when patronizing popular brands that may be susceptible to imitation. By conducting thorough research, checking official websites, and verifying social media accounts, customers can protect themselves from falling victim to similar scams. It is also important for customers who have been cheated to report their experiences, ensuring that justice is served, and others do not suffer the same fate. The rise of internet fame and viral trends has undoubtedly revolutionized the business landscape. However, this new era has also given rise to deceitful practices aimed at capitalizing on the success of others. In the case of the Bao Shifu cake shop imposter, it is essential to remember that imitation is not always the sincerest form of flattery. Rather, it can lead to significant harm to both customers and the original brand. By holding these copycats accountable and maintaining transparent communication with customers, brands can protect themselves and preserve the trust and loyalty of their consumers.

< p yl =" - i 7p ;">“很难受,我这两气温得都睡不着。如同自身的孩子被别人抢去,还被骂我儿子不太好!”鲍才胜从此事情回复说,“在网上爆出去(排长队)的店面是‘假的’!”"It's really frustrating, I can't sleep because of these two temperatures. It feels as if my own child has been taken away by someone else, and then I'm being criticized for not raising him well!" Baocai Sheng responded to the incident, saying, "The store that went viral online with long queues is 'fake'!" Baocai Sheng's words reflect the deep emotions and disappointment felt by many consumers who were misled by false advertising and exaggerated marketing strategies. It seems that in today's fast-paced and competitive world, genuine and trustworthy experiences are becoming increasingly rare. The Internet and social media platforms have undoubtedly transformed the way businesses promote their products and services. While this presents numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs to reach a wider audience, it also creates a breeding ground for misleading information and unscrupulous practices. In this particular case, the store that attracted attention online by appearing to have long queues turned out to be a sham. This revelation not only engendered anger and frustration among consumers but also damaged the credibility and reputation of the business involved. It serves as a stark reminder that consumers need to be vigilant and discerning when making purchasing decisions, especially in the digital age. The incident raises questions about the ethics and responsible advertising practices of businesses. It is crucial for companies to uphold honesty and transparency in their marketing efforts to build trust and maintain a loyal customer base. Engaging in deceptive tactics may provide short-term gains but can have detrimental long-term effects on a brand's reputation. Furthermore, such incidents highlight the importance of consumer rights protection and the need for stricter regulations to prevent fraudulent activities. Governments and relevant regulatory bodies should work together to establish and enforce guidelines that ensure businesses adhere to ethical marketing practices. Simultaneously, consumers play a vital role in reporting suspicious activities and sharing their experiences to raise awareness and hold businesses accountable. The advent of technology-driven communication has undeniably brought convenience and efficiency to our lives. However, it is equally important for individuals to navigate this digital landscape with caution. Checking for reliable reviews, verifying information, and seeking recommendations from trusted sources can go a long way in making informed choices. In conclusion, the incident involving the "fake" long queue phenomenon serves as a reminder for businesses to strive for authenticity and transparency in their marketing efforts. It also prompts consumers to be more vigilant and discerning when making purchasing decisions in an increasingly digital world. By fostering responsible advertising practices and implementing stricter regulations, we can ensure a fair and trustworthy marketplace for everyone involved.

< p yl =" - i 7p ;">从商标局查询,鲍师傅那时候只申请注册了文字商标,而且只申请注册了< g>第30类点心类型!之后又申请注册了第3 类,可是< g>未注册第43类的餐饮经营类,也恰好是这一个过失,为之后的仿冒埋下了悬念。From the records of the Trademark Office, it is found that Bao Shifu only applied to register a text trademark, and that too, only in Class 30 for bakery products! Later on, they applied to register in Class 3 as well, but interestingly, they did not register under Class 43 for restaurant services. This oversight would later become the perfect opening for counterfeiters. Trademark registration is an essential step for any business that wants to protect its brand and prevent others from using similar trademarks that may confuse consumers. It provides legal rights and exclusive ownership over the registered mark in the specified classes of goods or services. Class 30 includes goods such as staple foods, bakery products, and pastries. Bao Shifu's decision to register their trademark in this class shows their focus on establishing a presence in the bakery industry. However, they made a crucial mistake by neglecting to register under Class 43 for restaurant services. Class 43 encompasses services related to providing food and drink, such as restaurants, cafés, and catering. By not securing their trademark in this class, Bao Shifu left a loophole for others to take advantage of their reputation in the bakery business and open restaurants or eateries using the same or a similar name. This oversight proved to be a dangerous move, as counterfeiters quickly seized the opportunity to capitalize on Bao Shifu's success. They started opening imitation Bao Shifu restaurants, serving similar dishes and offering a similar dining experience. These counterfeit establishments were able to operate because Bao Shifu had no legal grounds to stop them. The consequences were disastrous for Bao Shifu, as their brand image suffered due to the inferior quality of these counterfeit restaurants. Customers who had a negative experience at these establishments associated it with the Bao Shifu brand, leading to damaged trust and lost business. To rectify the situation, Bao Shifu swiftly took action and applied for trademark registration in Class 43. However, it was too late to prevent the damage caused by the counterfeiters. They had already tarnished Bao Shifu's reputation, and it would take time and effort to rebuild the trust of their customers. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of comprehensive trademark registration. Businesses should carefully consider all relevant classes related to their industry to avoid leaving any vulnerabilities for counterfeiters to exploit. By securing their trademarks across all applicable classes, companies can safeguard their brand and maintain their reputation in the market. In conclusion, Bao Shifu's failure to register their trademark in Class 43 for restaurant services proved to be a costly mistake. It allowed counterfeiters to deceive customers and damage the brand's reputation. This incident emphasizes the significance of thorough trademark registration and the need for businesses to proactively protect their brand in all relevant classes.
