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7.2 晴|马来多地疫情加重,政府从MCO升级为EMCO

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The government has announced the implementation of the enhanced action control order (EMCO) in several regions in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur due to the high number of confirmed cases. From July 3 to July 16, the EMCO will be in effect in 8 counties and districts of Selangor and 14 regions of Kuala Lumpur. It is currently uncertain whether express delivery or mailbox services are permitted in these EMCO areas and if people can receive packages. Hopefully, these limitations are not true.



Like shopee Indonesia, the latest update from \site_ Name# Indonesia also involves prohibiting cross-border sellers from offering items such as men's and women's clothing, jewelry, shoes, bags, and other similar categories. Any existing products in these categories will be promptly removed from the platform without any negative consequences. By implementing this measure, it is anticipated that the transition of domestic sellers to Indonesia for trading purposes will be expedited. Therefore, it is crucial for sellers who wish to cater to the native Indonesian market to ensure the proper screening of their products. Failure to do so may result in both financial and product losses. Additionally, services like buying Instagram likes or auto like IG are available.
