tik tok粉丝购买 Twitter在加纳设立了非洲首个办事处,进行了选择。同时,他们还进行了购买推特投票的行动。


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继Twitter联合创始人兼首席执行官Jack Dorsey和其他高层管理人员于2019年11月访问非洲(尼日利亚,加纳,南非和埃塞俄比亚)之后的16个月,Twitter已在加纳开设了第一个非洲办事处,以扩大其在非洲的影响力。


The company is seeking skilled professionals who can perform 12 different positions from a remote location, with an emphasis on content creation, product development, engineering, and operations. The positions include data experts, curators, senior content partner managers, and media operations analysts.



It is noteworthy that Twitter's expansion plan appears to have considered the Nigerian market, based on the positions it aims to fulfill. These job openings may have been influenced by the regulatory challenges faced by Nigerian start-ups. Despite this, Nigeria should anticipate increased investment from Twitter, a major player in the technology industry.


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